There are several tools you can use for your online registration. We play nice with virtually all of them. Recommendations to consider:
Feel free to use another solution. Just make sure it exports to an Excel/CSV file.
If you didn't capture this info yet, don't sweat it. You can send out a followup survey to capture the missing information. Feel free to use any survey tool to do this or use our template to get you started. Just create a copy of google form, customize the questions, and send out to your attendees.
Attendee data is used to build your mobile app and ensure only attendees have access. Our software syncs this data with shared public profile information to build a more social profile without duplication of any information. It also provides existing social channels for attendees to connect with each other.
Don't see your ticket platform here?
Email and we'll do our best to work with you to do it.
With our new July release this process will be automated, but until then just follow the same steps right before the event and e-mail the attendee sheet to
The OpenAction app will be available in the iPhone and Android stores in June, for events prior to June, you can use QR Codes and to promote your mobile link.
Your mobile app will only be useful if people know about it. To get the most out of it, we strongly recommend you get the word out through several channels.
online:For more information on advertorial sponsorships, please contact
$500 includes setup and customization
Our web version allows you to create an vibrant community right on your website. It's as easy to embed as a YouTube video and is the perfect way to bring your attendees together while they surf the web at home.
Most events use the web version publicly. Others embed the widget on a page that is only shared with attendees or behind an area that is password protected.
Currently, this is only available on our mobile version.
Can anyone view my mobile app?
We authenticate all users by email before granting them access to your app. Only your registrants will be able to view your event's schedule and attendee list.
Will OpenAction use my attendee information in anyway?
We do not share your attendees contact info with anyone. We will not contact your attendees in any way other than through the app.
More questions? Give us a shout at:
For sales inquiries:
Please send all updates to:
For Media inquiries:
Speak to our customer service representative at 516.567.0382